Most recent physical activity guidelines suggest that a balanced mix of regular moderate to vigorous aerobic and weight bearing exercises are essential for our general well-being and protect ourselves from most chronic diseases (1). According to the latest report by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (2), between 2013 and 2014, 17.4% of the adult population used fitness facilities to meet their needs for physical activity, which is 2.3% higher than the previous year.
Risk Management for Health and Fitness Professionals to Minimise the Risk of Legal Liability
FIRMC® was recently at the AUSFitness Industry 2023 held at the International Convention Center (ICC) in Sydney between 28 – 29 April 2023. Dr Betul Sekendiz, Managing Director FIRMC® presented a lecture session at the Business of Fitness Summit entitled “Risk Management for Health and Fitness Professionals to Minimise the Risk of Legal Liability”. The … Read more